"If kindness takes a little longer,
it's worth the extra time."
Eleanor McEvoy
When we develop kindness towards ourselves,
we can change the atmosphere of our days and lives;
the atmosphere of our homes and work environments,
and our relationships.
Kindness, first for ourselves.
All love and peace radiate from our tender hearts.

They say we have ten years, it might be less, to get this right, to turn around the dire need that the earth is in.
If we wake up everyday with a kind heart and gentleness towards ourselves,
then we can appreciate the beauty that is all around us.
This appreciation for life can carry us to the finish line,
one day at a time.
The kindness quote is from a song by Eleanor McEvoy. I recommend the book "Loving Kindness" by Sharon Salzberg for some kind inspiration.
Flagler Beach pier love notes, ©Laine Quinn