"Our hopes for peaceful human coexistence are not,
as we are so often told, utopian dreams."
Riane Eisler
Peaceful cooperation existed long, long ago and set the foundation for civilization.
Human HISTORY OURSTORY goes back 30,000 years.
In most early societies technologies were developed
that supported and enhanced
the quality of life.
Otherwise what might have become of us?
These were cooperative societies,
with both men and women working together for the common good.
30,000 years of improving life for all.
Over millennia, these early societies developed farming,
fishing, the domestication of animals,
weaving, and even town planning.
The arts flourished.
As a result of that cooperative living,
10,000 years ago - thriving, complex city states were abundant in the fertile Mediterranean Basin.
Yes, these were "gynocentric, or woman-centered societies,
with the deity represented in female form,
symbolizing the generative, nurturing and creative powers of nature."
These peoples, our ancestors, lived close to nature and the stars
and had great respect for all life.
Was it a matriarchy? Not in the sense of being opposite to patriarchy.
These were egalitarian cultures that bestowed equal value on all citizens.
"A partnership society,
in which neither half of humanity is ranked over the other
and diversity is not equated with inferiority or superiority."
Everyone is King of the Hill!
(Queen, Princess, Prince and Spot!)
Of the Hill!
Quotes are from the amazing book, The Chalice and the Blade, Our History, Our Future, extensively researched and written by Riane Eisler in 1987.