I am a thing
among other things.
There was a little book
in the "Tiny Library"
next to the little playground
which is next to the community garden
in my neighborhood.
My young friend wanted to play on his own
for a little bit,
so I picked up the little book,
"The Alphabet of Grace"
to peruse
and sat on the bench
to read.
I forced myself to remember that line,
or close to it
because it seemed to equalize everything!
Me, the swing set, the sliding board,
the moon and the stars.
We are all just here,
doing what we do
with all of the rest of nature and things!
Why be so serious?
You are just a thing
among other things!
No better
and no worse either!
Make good trouble!
When I went back to borrow the book, it was gone!
But I found the author on line, Frederick Buechner.
Photo of lizard on a thing, at the edge of the garden,
© 2021 Laine Quinn