When you have peaceful, cooperative cities
that are unfortified:
no walls or fortresses -
that have not developed weapons of death:
there was no need for those things,
as their neighbors were friendly -
and violent warring tribes from the surrounding arid lands
invade and destroy everything in their path,
installing their vengeful, jealous gods to displace the nurturing goddess -
things change.
And they change dramatically and violently and relatively quickly.
1,000 or 2,000 years to undo 30,000 years
of human development.
In her book, The Chalice and the Blade,
Eisler makes the case that patriarchy and its elevation
of war and fear and power over others
is an anomaly,
a blip on the evolutionary screen.
The Pale Blue Dot
View from Voyager, Earth as seen from deep space. NASA
It's a detour off the path of human development.
A mistake that needs correction.
That must be corrected.
Photo of the Earth from deep space. APOD "ThePaleBlueDot"
Astronomy Picture of the Day, February 14th 2020.