Many years ago I began a novel by Zora Neale Hurston and couldn't find the rhythm of her words
and abandoned the effort.
About a month ago I picked up her autobiography, "Dust Tracks on a Road" at our local Library and was blown away.
Here is a writer with an understanding of life and love and the world, with a truly unique view into the cosmos,
that rivals the greatest poets.
Ms. Hurston can lift you up and encourage you to get on with it, no matter what,
because this is a BIG Beautiful Life!
She hears the wisdom of the trees and understands that we are all ONE
and that one day our bodies will join the earth and the earth will fall into the sun
and the sun will implode into the universe
and we are ALL a part of that.
That is where we came from and that is where we will go.
"Dust Tracks" was written in 1941, before Stephen Hawking came up with the Big Bang Theory,
before the Hubble Telescope,
and before researchers confirmed that trees are actually communicating with one another (and with Ms. Hurston.)
Since reading her autobiography, I have read "Their Eyes Were Watching God"
and found the rhythm of her dialogue and loved every word.
Zora, ( I can call her that because she wants us all to be "kissing friends" so that we can cultivate peace in the world),
is a treasure I have discovered late in life and am ever grateful that I did.
Photo from Astronomy Picture of the Day, (APOD) by Coles and Helm. ©2015.