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The sun is shining in a break
in this long hollow log,
giving life to any number of creatures
and green living things.
Fallen Oak, Wolfe Laurel, North Carolina.
© Laine Quinn 2018
This little seedling rooted itself in the crack of my deck table.
That's how all of the forests began...
one seedling at a time.
"Life's longing for itself."
© Laine Quinn, 2018
...for a shrimp!
Great hours, 3-6, $9.79/hr, plus tips!
Schooners Restaurant, where everyone loves the shrimp!
Ingerman, Sandra: Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins
Roberts, Jane: The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book
Solnit, Rebecca: A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
Daniel Quinn: Ishmael:A Novel