What to do with the unlovable parts of ourselves?
Try as we might, we can't run away or separate ourselves from our shadows.
What happens if we sit and stay, like a good dog that wants to jumpandrunaround so badly,
but we sit and we stay, and we don't look away?
The poets say that's when the light gets in.
And it's true.
If we can love ourselves in our worst moments, then we are that much closer to just about everyone on the planet.
Our compassion shines through the dark.
We love more and judge less.
If you're having one of those days, (weeks, months),
try to sit and to stay long enough for the light to find you,
and believe that you are equal to the best of us.
And don't forget to ask for help from your favorite
whether it's the angels,
your higher self,
or your God.
It can't hurt!
We need you back here.
Reprinted from Laine's Blog, February 2012. Top photo is the shadow of the passion vine. Lower shot is Herring Cove Beach, Dark Sky. All used with permission and tweaked a little.