December 3, 2001
C-Scape Dune Shack, evening.
Walking back toward the shack today after hiking & scketching & napping - I was planning on some lunch -
However there was a group of clouds over the shack in an otherwise cloudless sky. These clouds looked like stylized - Beautifully stylized dolphins in the wild in and out of the water - Just Beautiful & the whole configuration was sort of in the shape of a diamond. So me thinks to meself - maybe there are dolphins in the ocean just over the dune here. So I go inside and put my things away & get my binoculars.
I go down to the beach & think - well the clouds are really over Race Pt and I'm not walking to race Pt.
So I'm watching the ducks and the Loons and Lo and behold I see splashing in the distance - lots of splashing then I see spouts & dorsal fins & then tails and a few breaches! perhaps some dolphins but most definitely whales!
How wonderful & so cosmic to have that cloud enlighten me to visitors in the neighborhood!
I looked over my shoulder to acknowledge the cloud & it had disappeared!
Photo taken several years prior to the above entry from a whale watch boat.
Grammer and spelling are true to the original entry!