Do you ever feel lost or scattered?
Is there really comfort in groundlessness, as some buddhist teachers suggest?
In groundlessness, there is nothing to hold onto,
no anchors...
Is that the true story?
That everything we hold onto or use to anchor ourselves
is an illusion...about to change or already changing?
Shifting like sand blowing in the wind?
If we can make friends with the shifting, squirmy feelings,
without blaming anyone or anything,
and avoid old worn out patterns of behaviour,
it is somehow grounding!
We understand better what it is to be human and vulnerable,
and we have compassion for ourselves, which connects us to others
who might be feeling lost or afraid.
It is one of those paradoxes that embracing groundlessness
can help you to feel grounded.
Tropical storm Sandy, blowing the sand at St. Augustine Beach, at A Street.