Looking up or down?
looking up or down?
(That's the short version of today's post. Here is the long one.)
If you're feeling good today, happy and cheerful, be sure to share that
somehow, because you never know how much a heartfelt smile might mean to
someone, how just a smile can save a life.
If you're not feeling happy or cheerful, breathe that in
and try to connect to other people who aren't feeling happy,
who are probably trying to figure out why, and how to "fix"
or get rid of it somehow.
If you sit with the feeling and trust that it will pass,
(and you know it will),
at the end of that you will be softer, because you made the
friendship with yourself stronger.
Instead of rejecting that part of yourself, you have
embraced it and your shadow grows smaller
and your heart grows bigger.
So, up or down,
It's still you there,
and you're fine,
right where you are.